BEWSoftware MDj CLI

Command-Line Options

These are the available options:

Command Line Options
Option Description
-c Display Copyright notice.
-d <directory> The destination directory for HTML files.
(default: "" - current directory)
-D <property>=<value> POM build property. Is made available as: ${project.<property>}.
-i <fileName> The markdown input file to parse. (*.md)
-j <jarFile>;<jarSrcDir>;<docRootDir> Copy HTML files from directory into a new 'jar' file.
Note: Can not be used with any other switches, except -v [<level>].
-m Display web based manual in system default web browser.
-o <fileName> The HTML output file. (*.html)
-P <context>=<htmlSource> Publish the HTML files from either a directory, or a 'jar' file.
'htmlSource' is either the directory to publish,
or the path to the 'jar' file (including it's name and extension).
(defaults: context: "/", htmlSource: "" - current directory)
Can be used multiple times to publish multiple sources at once.
--allowGeneratedIndex Allow a directory listing to be generated, if no 'index' file found.
Use with option: -P.
(default: false)
--disallowBrowserFileCaching Disallow web browsers caching the files sent by this instance of the web server.
Use with option: -P.
(default: false)
-p <filePath> The /path/to/the/pom.xml file. (pom.xml)
-r Recursively process directories.
-s <directory> The source directory for markdown files.
(default: "" - current directory)
-v [<level>] Verbosity. (default: <level> = 0, or 1 if set with no level [1-3])
-w Process meta block, wrapping your document with templates and stylesheets.
-W [<docRootDir>] Initialize wrapper directories and files.
Note: Can not be used with any other switches, except -v [<level>].
-h --help Display the help text.