BEWSoftware MDj CLI


To setup everything, run the following from either your project or document root directory:

java -jar /path/to/mdj-cli-<version>.jar -v -W [<docRootDir>]

For example - a new project directory structure: (Linux)

   ├── pom.xml
   └── src
       └── docs
           └── manual
               ├── css
               │   └── style.css
               ├── etc
               │   └── markdown16.png
               ├── mdj-cli.ini
               └── templates
                   ├── article_1.html
                   ├── article_2.html
                   ├── article.html
                   └── default.html

Of course, this is not the entire directory structure, but that which is pertinent to what would be setup should you use the following command from inside the project root directory:

~/NetBeansProjects/MyProject$ java -jar /path/to/mdj-cli-2.1.1.jar -v -W src/docs/manual

Note: the switch is a capital W.

This will configure and install the mdj-cli.ini file and create the directories: css, etc and templates, and install their files.

Now if you are writing a book: (Linux)

    ├── css
    │   └── style.css
    ├── etc
    │   └── markdown16.png
    ├── mdj-cli.ini
    └── templates
        ├── article_1.html
        ├── article_2.html
        ├── article.html
        └── default.html

To setup this up, run the following command from inside the book root directory:

~/Documents/MyBook$ java -jar /path/to/mdj-cli-2.1.1.jar -v -W